Wednesday 16 October 2013

Android KitKat 4.4

I should tell you now that I'm pretty biased. I've had an Android device since version 1.5 (A HTC Magic followed shortly by a HTC Hero) and I've never looked back.

When I first got one, it was like having an iPhone at a fraction of the price - and it rocked.

Everyone seems to have an Android/iPhone/Windows Mobile now and the black magic that used to awe people (such as taking a picture and instantly uploading it to Facebook) has all but disappeared.

And now we have KitKat 4.4 around the corner - and to be perfectly honest i'm excited.

Why? Well, you already know that i'm a massive Android fan - I also happen to be very partial to KitKats too.

Although nothing solid has been announced for what's coming in 4.4 i'm going to make my predictions:

- Transparency (icons, widgets, desktops etc)
- Improvements to Camera
- Always listening technology (like the Moto X)
- Printing Technology
- App improvements

Where do these come from? Mainly the IOS7 upgrade - tech companies seem to take the best ideas from each other (and who wouldn't ) and then blend them in with their own know how.

Anyone else looking forward to 4.4? just me then? oh well

If its all terrible I'll just dunk it in my coffee

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mahasswa, glad you found it interesting - just my random ramblings and thoughts put to 'paper'. Good luck with your college work!
